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Our loyal friends

Dogs are without a doubt the most beloved pets. They are more like a companion և friend, their presence can never be a boring moment. It is known that they are protectors, rescuers and helpers. They are more than a pet, և their loyalty, kindness և incredible companionship make us spend more time with them.Their happy presence eases your mood և they gradually become an integral part of your family. However, you should know that when you decide to bring a dog to your family, you need to be well aware of dog care. Dogs need a lot of care, both emotionally and physically, to be a happy, healthy person.

by Admin

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Nowadays, animal lovers often identify their four-legged friends with small children. It is very commendable when there is so much love, attention, a great desire to do everything for them, but it must always be remembered that the body of dogs grows much faster, but is more delicate, more vulnerable. Therefore, the correct feeding regime, portion, food enriched with the necessary minerals and vitamins are of great importance for the healthy development, growth and upbringing of the animal. A wide range of dog food is on sale in pet stores, at least on Yanvet.am you will find a really large selection from all brands of dry food to canned meat, supplements, as well as regular dog food.

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